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Operation steps of electric hedge machine

1. Before using the Hedge machine, be sure to read the operation manual carefully to understand the function and precautions of the Hedge machine.
2. The purpose of the Hedge machine is to trim fences and shrubs. Do not use it for other purposes.
3. The Hedge machine is a cutting knife running at high speed. It is very dangerous to operate improperly. Therefore, do not use the Hedge machine after taking cold medicine or drinking.
4. Do not use the Hedge machine in poorly ventilated places such as indoors, greenhouses, or tunnels, because the supporting lithium battery can not be used under high temperatures.
5. Do not use the following places.
① The ground is wet and slippery.
② It is difficult to determine the safety around the operation site due to dense fog or night.
③ When the weather is bad (rain, wind, lightning, etc.).
6. When using the Hedge machine for the first time, ask experienced people to guide the use of the Hedge machine before starting to practice.
7. Poor mental state will lead to the decline of reaction ability, and the operation time of each time shall be controlled within two hours.
8. Minors are prohibited from using hedge machines.

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