Home / News / The Status Quo, Characteristics And Development Trend Of Lithium Garden Tools


The Status Quo, Characteristics And Development Trend Of Lithium Garden Tools

The development of lithium garden tools has the following advantages:

1. With the advantages of electronic technology, the application of brushless motors and control systems will become more and more popular;

2. With the development of industry standards, the voltage gradually transitions to 36, 48, 56V, and 72V;

3. More electronic circuits are integrated into the controller, and the series of products share one battery pack, which makes the use of the whole series of products more convenient.

Power garden tools are divided into three categories: engine, mains power and battery power.

Garden tools are easy to use and powerful, but they also have obvious disadvantages. They have two major unenvironmental factors, noise pollution and emission pollution. The requirements are becoming more and more stringent. In the long run, engine garden tools will be more and more limited in the household field, and it is difficult to replace them in the professional field.

Mains garden tools are cheap, have sufficient power, and have no emission pollution, but they also have obvious disadvantages. They are inconvenient to use outdoors and have a high risk of electric shock.

The price of lithium garden tools is relatively high, and the power is weak, but the advantage is that it is convenient to use outdoors, clean and environmentally friendly, and has a low risk of electric shock. However, issues such as price power battery safety are gradually being resolved with the development of battery technology. With the further reduction of battery prices, the improvement of battery specific energy and specific power, and the widespread development of permanent magnet brushless position sensor motors, lithium garden tools will gradually replace mains power and engine garden tools in the household field. Lithium battery manufacturers will also make more efforts in this regard.

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